MU Rummy Stage 1 - 270 points (100% droprate)
- Loch's Feather
- Titan's Anger
- Tantalose's Punishment
- Elite healing potion
- Elite Mana Potion
- Devil Square Ticket
- Blood Castle Ticket
- Kalima Ticket
- Piece of Horn
- Acces Ticket to Imperial Fortress
- Acces Ticket to Imperial Fortress Sunday
- Guardian Angel
- Imp
- Horn of Uniria
- Horn of Dinorant
- Demon
- Spirit of Guardian
- Pet Rudolf
- Sapphire Ring
- Ruby Ring
- Topaz Ring
- Amethyst Ring
- Ruby Necklace
- Esmerald Necklace
- Sapphire Necklace
- Pet Skeletron
- 1st Lucky Armor
- 1st Lucky Pants
- 1st Lucky Helm
- 1st Lucky Gloves
- 1st Lucky Boots
- 2nd Lucky Armor
- 2nd Lucky Pants
- 2nd Lucky Helm
- 2nd Lucky Gloves
- 2nd Lucky Boots
- Jewel of Extension
- Jewel of Elevation
- Card Deck
MU Rummy Stage 2 - 400 points (100% droprate)
- Elemental Talisman of Chaos
- Errtel of Anger
- Errtel of Blessing
- Errtel of Integrity
- Errtel of Divinity
- Errtel of Gale
- Jewel of Bless+3
- Jewel of Soul+3
- Jewel of Life+3
- Jewel of Chaos+3
- Wings of Spirt
- Wings of Soul
- Wings of Dragon
- Wings of Darkness
- Wings of Despair
- Cape of Fighter
- Cape of Lord
- Wings of Spirit
- Wings of Soul
- Wings of Dragon
- Wings of Darkness
- Wings of Despair
- Cape of Fighter
- Cape of Lord
- Cloak of Death
- Wings of Chaos
- Wings of Magic
- Wings of Life
- Robot Knight Ring
- Mini Robot Ring
- Talisman of Chaos
- Talisman of Luck
- Card Deck
- Book of Monster Invocation
- Talisman of Luck
- Talisman of Luck
- Talisman of Luck
- Talisman of Luck
- Talisman of Luck
- Talisman of Luck
- Elemental Talisman of Luck
- Elemental Talisman of Luck
- Elemental Talisman of Luck
- Elemental Talisman of Luck
- Elemental Talisman of Luck
- Elemental Talisman of Luck
- Panda Ring
- Brown Panda Ring
- Pink Panda Ring
- Skeletron Ring